
Welcome to the Earlsdon Gardening Club – a long-established, friendly club for gardeners of all levels in Coventry and beyond. We meet 10 times a year on the 2nd Monday of the month for talks and demonstrations on a wide variety of gardening topics. (see Contact Us for more details)

Our Next Meeting

Monday 9th September 2024. Doors open 7.30pm.

Late Season Colour. A talk from Gary Leaver of Avondale Nursery.

Visitors (£3) and new members are always welcome.

Day trips

September 24th 2024. Broughton Grange Gardens. £28

Family and Friends welcome.

Our Monthly Competition

At every club meeting – the monthly Colour in The Garden competition 

Cut and bring along between 1-3 stems of flowers or foliage for a chance to win a bottle of wine.

Size doesn’t matter – as long as you’ve picked it from your own garden, window-box or pot!

Latest News:

  • 2024 Produce Show
    This year’s show is on September 7th. Schedules and show details are available to download here
  • Club trip to RHS Harlow Carr
    Our recent trip to RHS Harlow Carr was very successful and the weather was very kind, one of the few dry days we have had this year. Arriving at 11.30, with 37 members looking forward to browsing the plants and flowers which were looking amazing. Refreshments were available at Betty’s Tea Room and the recently… Read more: Club trip to RHS Harlow Carr
  • Trip to Thenford
    We had a sunny day for our recent club trip to The National Herb Centre at Warmington followed by Thenford Gardens and Arboretum, the renowned garden of Lord and Lady Heseltine. Here’s a few of our group braving the windy conditions for a photo opportunity in front of the famous Rill
  • The Dirt – new website for Horticulture News
    We’ve just heard about a new website for gardeners and the horticulture industry – thedirt.news brings together news from every corner of the horticulture industry, condensed onto a single platform. Accessible to all, thedirt.news informs, enlightens and entertains with light hearted to more serious industry news, digests and reviews.
  • GQT at Balsall Common in February
    Balsall & District Horticultural Society are hosting a recording session for the BBC Gardeners’ Question Time on February 13th 2024. Contact details for tickets are shown below.

Interested in joining us?

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